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Cancellation, Return and Refund Policy
(Amended and Released on 10th March 2025)
Customer Cancellation:
  1. As a general rule Buyer shall not be entitled to cancel order once order is confirmed and payment is made. Buyer may choose not to place order until making the final payment through our platform or by using any other mode of payment as recommended by our platform.
  2. As an exception, the Buyer can make a request for order cancellation by contacting us through the platform. The Superdham reserves the right to accept such requests if they are made within acceptable time limits as given below. The refunds in this case shall be done as per the refund policy guidelines.
Platform Cancellation:
  1. All orders (other than COD) which are not fully paid within 24 Hours of placing the order shall be canceled by the platform without seeking further clarification from the Customer and refund process for the partial payment if any made shall be initiated by applying the refund policy guidelines.
  2. Buyers are advised to double check their delivery address and pincode selected for delivery of the products being ordered. Those orders in which delivery address does not fall within the same pincode selected while placing the items into the Shopping Cart, shall be automatically be canceled without any further communication with the Buyer. Refund process for the payment shall be initiated by applying the refund policy guidelines.
  3. The Superdham platform design is a robust design and chances for error in confirmation of orders are almost negligible. However, Orders, by any chance, not confirmed by the platform due to technical reason(s), in case payment is made shall be reviewed by our Technical Team within 24 Hours for recovery of data and reconfirmation of order. In case our technical team is unable to retrieve the required data for order confirmation, then such orders shall be marked for cancellation. Refund process for the payment, if any made, subject to confirmation from payment gateway in such cases shall be initiated by applying the refund policy guidelines.
  4. The confirmed orders are also liable for cancellation, in case selected seller for supply of the product/service is unable to supply the product/services as per the delivery schedule indicated at the platform and/ or if there are any other force majeure reasons which are affecting the operations of the seller at that time.
  5. All rights are reserved by the platform for not accepting orders from some Person(s)/ Firm(s)/ Companies/ Organizations based on our past experience or any other intelligence input available from other source(s). The orders placed by such identified person(s)/ parties shall be referred for cancellation within 24 Hours without assigning any reason or providing any explanation in this regard. Refund process for the payment if any made shall be initiated by applying the refund policy guidelines.
Cancellation against Non-delivery:
  1. The buyer is required to share complete address and Geographic Location (Google map coordinates) for providing required help in delivery of the products/ services. In case, information provided by the Buyer is incomplete and found to be not sufficient to make delivery, then local seller may recommend cancellation of the order through the platform.
  2. The Sellers can also recommend for order cancellation in case the Seller is unable to deliver the product even after making two attempts and there is strong likelihood that any more attempt shall cause inordinate delays in delivery as well as may cause further damage to the packing of the products being supplied.
Product Return Policy
Products purchased through Superdham platform can be returned in the following situations:
  1. Normally, all products shall be collected back based on cancellation of order by Superdham. However, at times Superdham may advise the Buyers based on their convenience to return the product through agreed mode of transport to Superdham or the identified Seller. It may be noted that neither Superdham nor any of the Sellers shall accept the consignment booked on “To Pay” basis.
  2. Buyers can also return the Product with prior confirmation of the Seller as per the warranty clauses specified by the Seller for either making a replacement or repair/ rectification as recommended directly by the Seller.
  3. Buyers are advised to check for options provided by the Seller for repair during warranty period and beyond such period, in case the Product purchased ever requires repair/ rectification. Buyers are advised to follow the details provided at the time of purchase or directions/ instruction provided later by the Seller. The return of Product for repair within warranty period and afterwards, and delivery of product back to the Buyer shall be done as per the agreed terms between Seller and Buyer. In case of disagreement of any type the matter can be referred to Superdham for third party arbitration.
Payment Refund Policy Guidelines:
Superdham shall refund payments to the Buyers after making necessary deductions considering the merit of the each case as elaborated hereunder:
1Cancellation of Order based on Buyer's Request before Inoice Generation 5% of Order Value or 100 which ever is more (towards Payment Gateway Charges)
2Cancellation of Orders based on Buyer's Request before delivery of Products/ Service7.5% of Order Value + Delivery Charge, or minimum 1000/-
3Cancellations origniated by Platform before Invoice generation4% of Order Value or 75/- which ever is more (towards Partial Payment Gateway Charges)
4Cancellation recommended by Seller before Invoice generation6% of Order Value or 200 which ever is more (towards Payment Gateway Charges)
5Cancellation recommended by Seller due to delivey issues10% of Order Value + Delivery Charges, or minimum 1,500/-
6Cancellations other that reasons given above6% or 200 which ever is more (towards Payment Gateway Charges)
Refund Timelines
  1. shall initiate refund process immediately (during working hours) if the cancellation of order is processed before billing of the goods.
  2. In all other situations, the refund shall be processed in maximum two working days, provided the goods are either not delivered or collected back against return request by the transportation partner.
  3. In case of disputed cases the refund shall be processed only after either the decision of arbitration or based on conclusion of legal proceedings in the court.

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